Mildred Sylvia Berman Levy - Media
Mildred Sylvia Berman Levy - Media
Hazleton post card
Model mom 6
4,000 pixels/inches
Digital ICE
Post processing ROC & GEM
digital DEEE
Joel's parents
Milly Engagement
JML parent's hands
I met Mommy at SU, before I went to medical school. I was going to college on a NY state Regents scholarship - in those days it was significant, and it was for 4 years. And I was in a program that allowed me to go to med school after 3 years of college. And then I won a similar scholarship for med school, so that there was a 1 year overlap between the 2 scholarships. The State gave me the difference in cash.

Then I bought Mommy that diamond ring with that money. Taken from email 5/22/2011 Leonard Levy to Joel Levy
Created by Joel M. Levy